Jun 04, 2024
- Go to g-wonlinetextbooks.com
- Enter your Username and Password and select the Login button.
- Select a health title to view its contents.
- Select a specific Module to view the Online Textbook and other digital resources provided with this title.
- On the left side of the screen, you will see the Table of Contents for the textbook. These have been created for both the English and the Spanish text and is divided by lesson.
- Select one of the links in the Table of Contents to view that particular section of the Online Textbook.
- The Online Textbook will open to the requested section of the book. Users may zoom in and out, conduct a page or keyword search, and scroll up and down to view different pages of this section.
- On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see a number of activities and resources for each Lesson in this Module. These activities and resources include workbook activities, videos, self-assessment activities, and much more. Your instructor may assign these activities to you, which may either be downloaded as a .docx file, or completed online.
- Select a resource with a blue icon to download this activity to your device.
- Select a resource with a green icon to view the activity (video, self-assessment, spelling challenge) on your Internet browser.